Tuesday 1 January 2008

Happy New Year

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Monday 31 December 2007


Greetings one and all, new blogger here , for good or ill, that remains to be agreed upon, but we will see. The reason for this , is just to keep some sort of track of the things in my world. I am sure that my opinions will ring bells for some and alarms for other. I some how think that must or may be the purpose of the entire exercise.
Not sure at this moment what will or will not be contained in the blog. I would guess a wide and varied collection of not very much. I am sure that any returning readers will soon catch my drift and we will all get along or press the destroy button. 
New Years Eve, what a concept , to start a new year on date which seems to have no reason to it at all. Mid winter, for us north of the great global circle and mid summer for those below. The beginning of spring would have seemed a better choice to start over, new life and all that, or..... then end of the summer, the natural year spent from it's summer exertions of creation, growth and all of that. Man , beast and plant warm and fecund and ready for the long sleep of winter. I am on call tonight so I will be tucked up at home sober and waiting for something to go wrong at work. To all of you who will be out and about , good luck be safe and Happy New Year.